Fear Of Small Spaces | Development

Fear Of small spaces:
I asked my model to tell me if she had any fears or phobias and she told me that she doesn't like being in small spaces and that she has a fear of them. I then decided to create a photograph to show her fear. I got a piece of A4 paper and made it look like she was trapped behind it. I got my model to hold up the piece of paper and look through it.
To create a small space I cut out a piece of paper and held it up over the top of my Photograph of Reena. This wasn't as effective compared to having a piece of A4 paper held up against my model. This way didn't create any shadows and it didn't have the overall effect of a small space. As you can also see by taking a photograph of this photograph it has made it go purple/more blue toned than the original.

Raw Photograph:

I really like the shadows around the edges of these photographs, it creates contour to the face and it makes her looked as if she is actually trapped and is trying to get out. With my models eyes looking straight into the camera this shows that she feels fear and that she wants to get out.

Edited photograph:
To edit this photograph I got rid of all the marks on the paper, I also took away my models ears to make the background completely black. I also got rid of her beauty spots and brightened up the photograph a bit.

Edited photograph: 

This is not the final edit; I want to experiment with different colours and techniques on photo shop to show how my model uses makeup to cover up her insecurities. I am going to create different looks with different colours. This shows that even though my model has a fear of small spaces, she also has insecurities and wants to use makeup to cover up.

I started to experiment with different colours to create a different makeup look; I have also made this photograph brighter. 

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