Bright Eyes | Initial Photographs

Raw photographs (not edited)

Edited photographs
I used Photoshop to brighten up the background, edit out any earrings and to enhance the eyes. To create all of these images I used the studio, therefore I also used the studio soft box lighting. I placed them either side of my model to make her brighter and to try and bleach out the white background. As you can see there is a definite difference between the raw photographs above and the edited photographs below, the lighting didn't bleach the background out and that I had to use Photoshop to make the background whiter. 
If I were to re-shoot these photographs I would experiment more with different poses and facial expressions. I like the composition of these photographs because I like it when there is a plain white background with a little gap either on the left or right. I added flowers to the hair for this shoot to make the images a lot more interesting. I find that without the flowers the photographs lack drama and it looks unbalanced, whereas when I added the flowers it looks a lot bolder and has a lot more energy. 
I really like how there’s a piece of hair on her shoulder, it gives the photograph more depth. The pose is quite plain and simple; if I were to re-create these images I would use different poses and facial expressions to emphasize the makeup and props. I also think that all the colours work well together, there all bright and they contrast well against a plain white background and dark brown hair.
I started to experiment on Photoshop with overlays. I was inspired by photographer Mierswa-Kluska; I got a photograph of some flowers and copied the image onto the photograph of my model. This effect works really well as my model almost looks hidden behind the flowers.

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