Peter Lindbergh

Peter Lindbergh is a German photographer and filmmaker; he was born in 1944 in Poland. In 1978 Lindbergh moved to Paris to start working internationally for Vogue.

Peter Lindbergh took this photograph of Cara Delevingne, a British fashion model and actress.  Lindbergh likes to portray emotion and feelings through his images, this is shown by the models eyes looking away from the camera, this creates a vulnerable atmosphere to the photograph. Lindbergh has captured this photograph in black and white to add depth, texture and contrast.
Lindbergh has created shadows around her face and neck with lighting, to express subtle emotion that the model may be hiding. I think that Lindbergh captured this photograph to portray a meaning behind it, which the model is hiding away from something or someone, society even. That she is hiding away from society and how she doesn't want to be society's idea of perfect, she wants to be her and no one else. To me this photograph expresses that with the bold, dramatic lighting and pose.

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